How Much Money Do You Have Saved? Here’s How We Used ZinaSaver to Boost

How Much Money Do You Have Saved? Here’s How We Used ZinaSaver to Boost

How Much Money Do You Have Saved? Here’s How We Used ZinaSaver to Boost

I am 23 and married to a husband who is 24 years old. We are both in full-time employment, and later on, I will be reducing to part-time by attending nursing school. Currently, I am a CNA working at $18/hr while my husband makes $22/hour and works 40 hours/wk.
We have tried to save our pennies; however, sometimes I just feel like we should have more put away. What follows is a summary of what things are looking like for us:
My 401k: $6,500, 3% employer match; Hubby's 401k: $2,800, 3% employer match. We put combined savings of $10,200 in a high-yield account at 4.0% APR. Even with those numbers, I wasn't convinced that we were on the right track-or if we could do any better. That's when we decided to try ZinaSaver-an app created on a mission to help people like us save more wittily.
With ZinaSaver, we have done the following:
Tracked our expenses. Knowing just where exactly money was flying away to-from rent and groceries to entertainment and transportation.
Clearly defined savings goals. Further, by using this app, we could split savings into smaller, more digestible pieces. This goal of $10,200 just felt reachable because of it; now, even further on, we are confident.
Because by saving, we could keep track of the high-yielding savings account and set reminders of the due dates for its automatic transfer. In this way, we never allowed our money to grow. Since ZinaSaver, all this chaos was alleviated, and I did not have this feeling anymore that we're falling behind; it gave both clarity and confidence about that matter.

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